Avi spent most of her second summer hanging out with her grandparents and us in the Pacific Northwest & Canada. Though my dad would still like to pretend he isn't capable of taking care of her, all the evidence I saw and heard tells me otherwise. He slept with her when she was fussy at night while babysitting, took her on a stroller ride in the morning before I woke up, let her sit on his lap while she ate. And though he never braved changing a diaper, I know that this man, who orchestrates the construction of huge buildings, would have succeeded just fine in that, too.
Mimi was the opposite of Grampy. Where he liked to act like he didn't know what he was doing, Mimi knew she knew what to do with little Avi. And though my mom had a lot of good ideas, she never tried to push them on Michael or me, but let us make our own decisions (and mistakes). She encouraged us to get out and have little dates, while she would watch Avi, and those moments were precious to our marriage and friendship. Thank you, Mom.
Avi just loved having her grandparents along. She would jump up and down and giggle when they were around. She felt just as happy in their arms as in ours. Having four "parents" really was a blessing to little Avi. I think it really helped her develop faster and more fully - she truly did a lot of amazing things this summer!
Avi learning to walk between Mimi and Grampy.
totally wonderful!! thanks for sharing. i'm so happy that your parents got all that grandbaby time.