Well, I'm in the thick of it with parenting 3 little kids, plus this thing called Instagram is automically printing picture books with my captions in it, so that's how I'm going to be doing our family albums for the time being. This blog will take a nap. But before I go, I've got to document some of the main name contenders for you three:
Auroa (only Maren liked)
(is it obvious by now that your name was to start with an "A"!)
Roan or Kingsen Paul (if by chance you were a boy, but we were pretty sure you weren't)
Charlie (only Michael liked)
Eden (only Michael liked)
(We thought you must be a boy because my pregnancy was so different - now I realize that's just how each pregnancy is! So, we had about 20 boy names, but only one girl name. Looking at the list now, it is so obvious you were meant to be exactly who you are! Mila Olive! The "Venus" came the night you were born - during the Venus lunar eclipse.)
Boy names: Luca, Cannon, Keenan, Gracesen, Kai, Pier, Rowen, Soren, Huck, Ro (Roland, Roan, Rowen), Seger, Knox, Vin, Remi, Judah Sky, Cyrus, Hosea, Reed, Bowie, Colter, Isiah, Walker, Townes, Sky, Dax, Kingsen, Leif, Fisher, Hemi, Hawke, Hudson, Xander, Benson, Rio, Logan, West, Sol, Arlo.
Girl name: Mila Olive!
(We were pretty sure you'd be a boy, too. I mean, what's the odds of three girls?! So, you were going to be Judah Sky, but we were going to call you Sky.)
Dasha (this was the closest competitor with Ziah)
Middle Names: Louise, Louisa, Charlie
We finally decided we liked "Z" names. We made up your name from names that end in -iah from the Bible and also rhyming with Gaia - the mother earth goddess. A good combo of spirit and soil.
Baby Brajkovich
Join us on the journey!
Thursday, January 5, 2017
Monday, June 1, 2015
May 2015
baby goats at parent participation!
mama maren with her baby and a kid.
they love parent participation! and how I love watching them have fun there. i'm so glad I get to interact and be a part of their learning and growing. oh, what a lucky mom I am!
sometimes it gets really quiet around the house, then I find that they've sneaked the iPad and are watching a show together.
she's learning to take breaths so competently!
not swimming, but happy just the same!
sad one minute
happy the next!
she wasn't reading last month, now she is! It has been such a treat to watch someone learn how to read on their own.
Ziah is 5 months today. She's got two little teeth breaking through her lower gums. She loves tummy time. She grunts and groans to talk. And she tries to blow bubbles. She kicks like a ninja. 17 healthy pounds of pure sweetness. She sleeps a good 6-8 straight hours at night & momma loves her for it. She likes to people watch but then gets shy when she makes eye contact. When she smiles at you it's as if she is sharing a secret with you.
playing games at the post office - these girls make fun wherever they go!
Gigi met us at Madonna Inn for lunch!
i hosted a fun wine tasting event - foil over the bottles and people were to guess the variety, prices, what famous person would drink it and so on...
we had a welcoming ceremony for new TN residents. during the ceremony, the little kids scooted under the chairs placed around in a large circle. everyone thought it funny and cute!
soda tasting for the kids while the adults did wine tasting!
dressing room bench snuggles
Avi learned to write first, then her reading picked up. Her writing has since waned now that she can read so well. To each a season. I'm glad that I have the opportunity to see her writing subjects reflect things that really mean something to her: like her feelings or her love for her sister Mila, or a note to her friends, etc.
mother's day - I'm blessed!
oops - someone left their crayons in the sun!
viola and mila followed this poor deer/elk for hours, getting numerous hugs and giving lots of smiles!
i had the phone turned around - i thought i was taking a picture of Ziah, but instead it took a picture of me. I guess I really get a lot of joy out of taking my babies pictures!
oh my! look at that smile! i took Avi on a little date - to a hair braiding class. I learned how to properly french braid and do a princess braid!
the nature gang kids built this amazing little house/roof, until they put one sticks too many and it came crashing down. Thankfully, nobody was underneath!
hoping she's asleep and then I see those eyes poking out. she doesn't fall asleep as easily as she used to...

they love mangos!
good books that are inspiring me right now.

an Avi-made vehicle!
dancing party in the Hus. The kids just scooted on the floor.

they are not shy - they go up to anyone and ask what they are doing and why they are doing it.
family walk along the Oceano lagoon
my beauties!
my wonderful friend Hanna who helps me seize life - everyday!
oh good, Mila is driving!
Ziah and River - we are planning their marriage! hee hee!

Avi and Cousin Kabella.

Ziah with Great-Nana!

first bath for Ziah in Sitti's sink!
Oh, sweet mommy and sweet daughter!

she lines up her ponies for most every bath.
Avi loves her horse lessons - she's so brave with such a big animal!
I had to capture this. Avi writes almost everyday. And I've never seen her write backwards (maybe one letter or so, but not whole words!). Well, Avi was mad (about what I cannot remember now) and she went outside fuming and wrote this sentence on the ground: so not happy. I asked her what was wrong with the sentence (after I first affirmed her feelings of sadness) and she couldn't see it. It's amazing how negative feelings can affect learning. Imagine how a discomfort in a schoolroom setting for a certain child could adversely impact years of learning!

Our friends from Berlin came to say hi - little Oscar and his mother Emily!
Nature Gang field trip to Rutiz Farms

Mila and Arya - twinsies!
Polly, Avi's godmother, is small but tough - she carries both her daughter and Mila!
TN work party day. Got all my girls helping me and Avi is serving lemonade!
Mila always changing!
so tiny and yet so big in our lives!

Finn's fourth birthday party - pirate themed!

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