Sunday, June 2, 2013

Mila, You Are One!

Hi Mila, My Love.  This last year with you has been amazing.  And as you turned one, in my arms at 12:47am in the middle of the night, I felt this profound sense of gratitude towards you.  I feel like you have taught me so much already.  I had this strange sense that you would be the one teaching me things in this life, not the other way around.  I am grateful for you entering our lives, already teaching us to smile more, embrace every moment, laugh more, snuggle each other more, slow down, and not complain as much.  You are such a sweet sweet person.  Your daddy loves to call you our Little Cherub.  You are an angel.

 Avi making strawberry juice with Mimi.

Watermelon, cake, water and juice - a simple party!

Fred and James

 Rebecca made her the flower headband.  

 She didn't devour the cake like we thought she would. Instead, she delicately picked the tiny white chocolate drops off and ate them one at a time.

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