Saturday, September 11, 2010

Random iPhone pictures

Downloaded from my phone, here are pictures taken in the last 6 months. Low quality, but full of specialness!
Getting weighted at the doctors.

Here's an (unedited) picture of Avi asleep on my chest when she had eczema. Sad, huh, how rashy her face (and body) was. Thankfully, she has outgrown that now! Woo hoo!

Here's the same picture, but edited! Doesn't she look much more peaceful without all those rashes? If only I could have edited them out in real life for my little Dove.

Hanging out at home some random day. I like this picture because it shows life as it is: messy, comfortable and sunny! (Notice Keeta passed out on the floor.)

Hanging (literally) out before bed in our sky chair.

Reading Green Eggs and Ham before bed.

Avi's teething on me. Yes, those are bite marks. Yes, that is mommy's arm. Yes, motherly love is true love.

Avi in "class" with her friends. She's the one in the center with the pink dress.

Hanging out on Aryn's parent's porch.

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