Hanging out on neighbor Amie's arm.
Mila's becoming a big girl in big sissy's class.
heart bottom
Avi woke up one morning with a swollen face! Still not sure what caused it, but we think it may have been due to seasonal allergies.
We went to see neighbor Molly play Ariel in the high school production of The Little Mermaid. Avi loved it and sat through the whole play!
Mila playing with kitchen tools while Maren cooks.
Auntie Carmella came to the coast and we visited with her.
Mila asleep in hiking class.
Walking to the farm!
Probably one of the last times we will have both girls in an ergo carrier. (Notice Clementine snuggled in with Aveah?)
Doing art at Halle's house.
Avi's Grampy Alan got her a gift certificate to a local toy store and she got this horsey! She was in love!
Michael, Mila and I went on a very nice date at Lido and got drinks, happy hour fish tacos, and listened to live music. It was a delightful hour or so, Mila just hung out laying on the bench between us as we talked. Sweet thing.
Parent Participation class.
Hiking Madonna Mountian Lemon Loop trail.
Beach picnic!

Avi is becoming so skilled with her body - she scaled this rock so adeptly!
We babysat EZ for 2 days until he bit Avi on the hand - didn't draw blood, but hurt Avi and hurt her feelings.
Glitter paint got on her tummy when she bent over...
Sitti sends presents every now and then just because!
Avi was waking up with a gooey eye for a few weeks. Allergies, infection, ???
Practicing writing her name all on her own!
Making Blarney stones!
Hiking West Cuesta Ridge
Visiting Tessa and Sarah in Los Altos. Tessa got to feed a really baby - she was so happy!
Wheelbarrow running with Aryn!
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